The Vedic Lifestyle Workshop

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Based on Ayurveda, Yoga, Vedic Astrology & Bhakti

4 Recorded Zoom Sessions

1.5 hour each


LESSON 1  Ayurveda for Daily Life 

In this lesson you will learn:

  • The Amazing Benefits of Implementing Ayurveda into your Lifestyle
  • How to Optimise Your Daily Routine – Following an Ayurveda Clock
  • How to do a Simple Self Massage – Abhyanga
  • The Top 5 Self-Care Morning Practices
  • Natural Remedies for Common Imbalances


LESSON 2 — Yoga for Daily Life 

In this lesson you will learn:

  • How a Regular Yoga Practice Can Transform Your Life
  • Yoga Basics – Surya Namaskar
  • The Top 10 Yoga Asanas for Daily Practice
  • 3 Powerful Breathing Techniques to Cleanse, Energise, and Calm Your Mind


LESSON 3 — Astrology for Daily Life

In this lesson you will learn:

  • The Crucial Role of Astrology in Everyday Life
  • The Planetary Rulers and What They Mean For You
  • What to Do For Every Day of the Week
  • Harmonizing the Strong and Weak Influences of the Planets in Your Chart


LESSON 4 — Bhakti for Daily Life

In this lesson you will learn:

  • Why Bhakti is considered the Ultimate Activity
  • The Top 3 Bhakti Practices to Spiritualise Your Day
  • Creating a Sacred Place for Daily Meditation
  • Spiritual Nutrition – Preparing Karma-free Food
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What Will You Learn?

  • To improve health: Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of healthcare that emphasizes the importance of balancing the body, mind, and spirit to achieve optimal health. By learning Ayurvedic principles, you will be able to make more informed choices about your diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle, leading to a healthier and more balanced life.
  • How to reduce stress: The practice of yoga is known for its stress-reducing benefits, and incorporating yoga into your daily life can help you feel more relaxed, centered, and focused.
  • Increase self-awareness: an insight into Vedic astrology will give you a better understanding of your own strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies, and empower you to live in harmony with the planets, thus optimizing your energy levels and productivity.
  • Spiritual growth: The study and practice of Bhakti yoga can help you develop a deeper connection with the divine, leading to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
  • Greater happiness and fulfillment: By incorporating Vedic lifestyle practices into your daily routine, you can experience greater happiness, fulfillment, and purpose in life.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Ayurveda for Daily Life

  • Ayurveda for Daily Life
  • Bonus Lesson on Ayurveda & Skincare
  • Ayurveda

Lesson 2: Yoga for Daily Life

Lesson 3: Astrology for Daily Life

Lesson 4: Bhakti for Daily Life

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